Monday, January 18, 2010

KKK - Kiddos Kaught on Kamera

Got the chance to go visit my BFF's Sarah and Ang in Kennewick. We all live in different parts of the state so we take turns making the trip to one of our houses. I was the lucky one who got to make the seven hour trip this time. Well worth it though. I always like to get some pics of the little ones - they are all super cute!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photos with Santa

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph Avery and her other classmates with Santa during their Christmas party at the YMCA. It was so fun to watch all of them react to Santa and of course to see them perform their holiday show for us. I know Avery was so proud as I'm sure the rest of the kids were (not to mention their parents) Love watching these little ones learn and grow!

Some parents out there have expressed interest in purhasing additional copies of their child's photo. Here is a link to the gallery. It is password protected. (The password is the last word on the sticker placed on the back of the child's photo that was handed out in class.) If you have problems accessing the gallery - you can email me at and I would be happy to walk you through it. Here's the link: Photo with Santa

Here's my baby:

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