A little about me...
Welcome to my new and improved blog! Well not really new, you can still see all my old posts, but with some added navigability.
I hope you find helpful information here about my products and services as well as some insight to who I am through the photos and stories I tell in my entries.
A crash course in ANNA:
I’m married to a wonderfully funny man who strives to make me crazy with his practical jokes and usually succeeds. We have two beautiful girls and now he strives to make them crazy too, which takes a lot of the pressure off me!
I’ve been photographing people and places since I received my first camera from my dad when I was around 9 years old. I didn’t really get SERIOUS about photography though, until I gave birth to my first little beauty almost 5 years ago.
I graduated in 2000 from Oregon State University with a degree in Psychology. They say that this can be a good background for photographers to have in relating with clients; I think it probably does help. The bigger picture I see there though says more about who I am and why I am interested in both psychology and photography. Quite simply, I am interested in people. It’s really fullfilling to make connections with people and share in their special moments. Being able to present them with beautiful images of these moments is like the cherry on top. Dream job? You could say that.
Anyway, check back often to see what's been going on lately in my world of photography. I've been a slacker in the past at blogging, but I am really trying I promise! If you have any questions or comments be sure to let me know. And for more specific info on sessions, weddings and pricing be sure to stop by my website at www.annaaasen.com
Thanks for stopping by!